“What you seek is seeking you”

L’Ermitage is a special and sacred land. It is a Soul Sanctuary. A place to turn your journey inward to become a meaningful explorer of yourself, to find a more profound connection to our planet. We welcome you Home, to find serenity, where the surroundings melt into one another as a whole. We honor this place by living according to its principles, and sharing our knowledge. The initiator, creator and architect of L’Ermitage is Ahmed Saad Zniber, he made this place in order to share the magic of it, as all the wisdom that resides in it.

Ahmed Saad Zniber

Ahmed Saad Zniber is a Moroccan mystic, artist, therapist, social entrepreneur and architect whose journey lies at the crossroads of contemporary spiritualities of the world, while remaining inspired by the heritage of Moroccan and universal Sufism.

After several decades of cultural and social commitment in many areas of solidarity, sustainable development, cultural and spiritual heritage in Morocco, he established himself near Akchour by creating L’Ermitage, nestled in the mountainous forests of the Rif, not far from the Mausoleum of the great Sufi Si Abdeslam Ibn Mashish.

In 2018, after long years of preparation and networking, he inspired the idea of ​​a Multiversity. To create and promote an initiative for a collective of sensitive people who share the common inspiration of an open and benevolent spirituality for our time.

Today, through his music, his art and his teaching,it’s an invitation to see our infinity, our humanity, tapping into the teachings of universal wisdom at the heart of sufism.To allow us to resonate with the deep self in order to reveal to oneself.

With his workshops, music and art, you will travel through the matrix, tackle various themes that will shed light on ourselves, others and the creation, the goal being for everyone to be able to appropriate the tools to support their own journey.